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Mental Health at St Andrew's


During #mentalhealthawarenessweek, we asked Mental Health Lead and Form 5 Tutor, Haig Howard, to share some of things we've been doing to help support our pupils.

"At St Andrew’s, we are big into our mental health and it is never far from our thoughts. During children’s Mental Health Week in February, every cohort designed little clouds with messages of how to keep our minds healthy, and the response from our pupils was really positive. They were so good, that a few of our healthy mind clouds will feature in our new study diaries for 2023-24.

Around school, we find opportunities to talk about mental health in PSHEE, and also encourage children to take “time-outs” at breaktimes in our Lobby, or visit teachers on Wednesdays and Fridays in our Reflection Room.

For pupils who need some extra one-to-one help, our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) and Counselling sessions are available during our school day.

So, our Mental Health Culture is good and we plan to keep it that way!"


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