The Spring Term came to a riotous close with our annual Section (St Andrew's name for houses) Music Competition. Sections, Watney, Rainsford, Waterhouse and Pritchard, battled it out in four categories – Ensemble, Junior Soloist, Senior Soloist and Choirs - to close the end of term celebrations. As is the School tradition, almost every pupil learning an orchestral instrument participated in the ensembles. It was wonderful to see so many young players performing, some at the very start of their musical journey.
Waterhouse’s rousing Ensemble version of 'Lean on Me' had the audience swaying in their seats, yet Rainsford came out on top following a fantastic rendition of 'Feelin’ those Blues', arranged by our very own Director of Music, Malcolm Gunningham.
Our Juniors then performed four beautiful solos. Kasper playing the cornet from the 'Marriage of Figaro'; Thomas melodically bringing ‘Shaker Melody’ to life on the flute; Max rhythmically playing ‘Knock on Wood’ on the drums; and Annabel bringing life to ‘Easy Tiger’ on the oboe. Well done to Max for his triumph in this category.
Our Seniors also produced some outstanding performances with Bella playing a beautiful rendition of 'Quizas, quizas, quizas'; Barney on clarinet in a superb exploration of 'Miltonality'; Josie on flute playing the 'Allegretto' with finese, and Immy delivering ‘Fast’ by Jeffery Wilson with her super-speedy fingers. Congratulations to Josie for her winning performance.
Our annual inter-house music competition came to a crescendo during the final category - Section Choir - when every pupil from Years 3 to 8 performed a Beach Boys song.
Rainsford’s ‘Fun Fun Fun!’ kicked off proceedings, setting a great tone, which was followed by Watney’s ‘Sloop John B’, involving an outstanding acapella whilst waving the Watney flag. Pritchard delivered a barn-storming ‘Wouldn’t it be nice?’, and Waterhouse’s ‘Barbara Ann’ will live long in the memory thanks to the fantastic costumes and melodies.
It was joyful, and heart-lifting way to end the Spring Term, and a great way to set off for the Easter holidays.
Special thanks to George Picket, Assistant Director of Music at Pangbourne College, for being our Guest Judge and sharing his detailed and informative feedback. Thank you also to Malcolm Gunningham, St Andrew's Director of Music, for leading the performance, and to our Choir Trainers, Mr Bates, Mrs Bell, Mrs Croft, and Miss Metcalfe for their energy and enthusiasm. This is always a highlight of the St Andrew's School calendar.